What does “Model United Nations” mean?
A Model United Nations (MUN) Conference is a simulated session of the United Nations in which the participants adopt the role of Delegates to the UN. In simulated UN bodies, for example the Security Council or the General Assembly, the delegates debate international issues, reach compromise solutions and then pass resolutions.

Each participant represents a country which he or she has researched prior to the conference. Delegates do not represent their own opinion, but as realistically as possible argue the allocated country’s official position on the matter under discussion.

The conferences comprise formal debates, held under procedural rules which are similar to the actual UN rules and the UN Charter, and also lobbying and informal discussions which lead to draft resolutions.

Through these conferences, participants practice public speaking and learn how to merge different opinons. They further gain an insight into international politics and the work of the United Nations.

MUN conferences are held world-wide in many different languages for various age groups. In Germany there are several large conferences for high school or university students every year. They are held mostly in English or German.

In addition, there are many groups in Germany which send delegations to international MUN conferences.

Each conference is different, but they all share common goals: giving the participants an understanding of the UN system, increasing interest in and understanding of other cultures and providing an exciting and valuable experience to all involved.
Further Informationen
- “Model United Nations” at Wikipedia
- MUN Gallery of the association “DMUN e.V.”
- Junges UNO-Netzwerk Deutschland e.V. –
Germany's United Nations Youth Association (UNYA)